I've been watching a lot of EWTN lately. I've learned so much from the friars and the prayers. I thank God for Mother Angelica and her station.
I'm amazed at how many people shut Catholicism out in the cold because they think it's some kind of devilish demon. You know what I like about it? The solidarity. I'm getting so tired of a thousand answers to one question. Being a Lit' man, it can boggle my mind to approach all of the critical angles available. That's what I've found every other day in Protestant and protestant-spawn churches, too. It seems like there's a different idea for every church out there! Some only use a KJV, some want to handle snakes, some want to make their women wear long dress and horrible hairstyles, and some want to clap. Each of the preceding take issue with their particular hang-up and each of them use the same Bible to support their confusion. But, there's only one God, one church, one baptism, one, one, one! I don't feel like I hear that on EWTN. I absolutely love to hear the confidence and unity in the responses and homilies of those on that channel.
I know, I know. Someone is saying that the confusion is the same with members of the Catholic church. Yes. I understand that, but the answers seem to be the same at the core with those who are the leaders and are devout.
No. Don't worry. I'm not going to convert. I wouldn't even know where to buy a Rosary! However, I wish more people would give more consideration to their teachings. They go back farther in history than any other religion, and for well over a thousand years, they were all that was available.
Oh, well. I know this is not a very literary or pensive post, but I've had our Catholic brothers and sisters on my mind for quite a while now and I thought I would share that with you.