This has never really been a political 'blog so this is a bit new for me.
I can't sit by saying nothing knowing that this, my one media outlet, was not used to urge my readers to consider voting for one of the finest men in our country - Barack Obama. I won't harp on it, but I have included his moving speech, aptly titled "Yes We Can," below. Take the thirteen minutes it lasts to watch and be motivated.
I love him because he makes me want to be a better American, citizen, and person. He is the perfect person for the job of representing that which is in our country's best interests, and his leadership will compel those who are truly ready to be proud of our nation again. This is my generation's first shot at being able to support a man who will be remembered alongside our country's greatest presidents: Washington, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, Obama.
The time for change is now. The audacity of hope is an American right. The president that will help our country back onto the road to world diplomacy, fiscal responsibility, economic safety, and a revival of the innate pride in who we are, is Barack Hussein Obama.
His language is certainly refreshing, however his early Islamic training is concerning. Things learned in one's primary, formative years is often hard to overcome. If he can rise above, I like him as well.
Spend a little more time looking at that. He was trained in far more than just Islam. Check out Dreams From My Father, his autobiography. It will clear this up for you. He has proclaimed Jesus as his personal Savior, and he has been a faithful member of the Trinity United Church of Christ for over twenty years. What's most impressive about this is that he wasn't a Christian from birth: he discovered it, studied it, found it to be superior, and chose it as his personal road to God. That's way more impressive than being a Christian by default.
Thanks for the comment!
Oh yeah, I forgot -
Have you watched the video I posted? He even referenced Jesus in his second, arguably his most, famous speech to date: ". . .a king on a hill. . ."
Check it out--if you're an American, you will most definitely get chills!
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