This time away from going to church has revealed a lot. I really don't think that I'm as far off as others seem to believe. I think I may have said this in a blog, but I've been in a continual search mode seeking the things that are ultimately true about God. When the major leaders of a congregation, and in several others as well, react to sinners and sin the way some of the ones I have seen did and have, I can't help but question the Way they profess. All of the sermons and classes these guys give tell of doing exactly the opposite of what has been done so many times. It didn't make any sense that these people of God who spoke of His forgiveness and acceptance would reject and spread rumors and gossip!
Just last night I walked by a couple who are attending nowhere now because of the rejection they were given due to some domestic issues. They've not gone anywhere and the church's reaction to this is that they don't come because he beats his wife! I say even if he does it everyday, then the church should be the first to come to their aid - not just hers, but his as well! The other day I spoke with a man who divorced his wife and is now on drugs. He is the offspring of church leader and rejected. The very problems which should be the reasons they are being suffocated with love and attention have become the reason they are rejected!
My reactions are based on this thought: if the same church that taught these leaders taught me, have I learned the right things? There are many more things yet to be learned, though I can say that I have learned a lot. Mainly: don't put stock in God's people as being more than people. A friend down here put it best when he told me that if I would be more surprised when church people did things right than when they did things wrong, I would probably like them more.
Most of the time people are just asking about whether or not my wife and I have been to church. No one asked how we were with God, Christ, the Spirit (which would imply the term "spiritually") or otherwise. They simply assumed that no one could ever come to terms with God outside of being in a church building. Even before I began to question and seek a little more about God, I was well aware that that was a strange conclusion. But, now that I have learned more, I can see that even they are simply reacting by saying what they've been taught to say.
No naturally-thinking human being, bringing no biases to the table, can take church attendance away from Heb. 10.25. Neither could the idea of "church," as we have it today where the buildings are bigger than many synagogues and rival Catholic cathedrals, be taken away from the New Testament in general! It was not a legalized religion at the time of the Bible's writing - they couldn't have met in scheduled masses. Pentecost cannot be counted among mass meetings either because Acts 2.6 speaks of the crowd gathering "when this was noised abroad." The apostles were being loud and the people were looking at the spectacle. It is a great example of mass conversion, but not church as we see it today.
The end of the chapter spells it out best when the relationships were formed from "house to house" in verse 46. Yes, the term "temple" is also there, but we know that those were Jewish temples not Christian ones because in Romans 12 the Christian ones (N.T. ones) are the bodies of Christians. The Spirit is in the temple as he has always been, and, so that he could reside in us, God just changed where the temple was to be located.
Still, if one would like to farcically imply that the "temple" in v. 46 was actually a meeting place of Christians like we have it today, then that one would have to meet there daily: "and they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple..."
I think a lot of this comes from a complete misunderstanding (even though most would say they know this, though they just don't speak or live according to what they know) of the word "church." It means "a calling out." The Lord added to those who were being called out daily. This means that the church directory in Heaven was growing not the one at the local building. The end of chapter 2 in Acts shows the first reaction to salvation of those at Pentecost to be to sell everything, pool their resources and meet with each other daily "house to house" - communism at its finest! It’s the best deal this side of Heaven!
I am in no way bashing church, leaving church, or making excuses. This is simply a crusade to be pure and know the truth about it all, and maybe I should keep it to myself.
I came to a conclusion last night, however, which I have not entertained before. If we want to meet like that (in big buildings), then as Christians, we can. But the real "forsaking" comes when we don't continue it with each other daily and when we don't seek Him in such a fashion that causes our lives to react. The curser can focus on quitting cursing, the drinker on drinking, the smoker on smoking, and the killer on killing, but just because they stop doesn't make them better people. Christianity was never meant to create moral people - plenty of moral people exist in all religions and walks of life and are going to hell, but I want to follow Him and seek Him in such a fashion that my life naturally reacts. I don't want to stop doing anything just because I'm a Christian - I want my life to look like a Christian and be lived like a Christian because I am a Christian.
I do hope this gives a little more insight into what's been going on in my head lately. I really want you guys to know that I'm just seeking to at least know what the purest way is.
I think God finds a great deal of honor in that.
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The pain in your voice is deafening!
It is obvious that you have been terribly hurt by people you love and trust. The golden temples of those you respected have come crashing down around you, and you now lie wounded in the rubble. The very ones you admired and adored have let you down, hurt your feelings, caused you to question your faith in God...your religion...yourself...and then left you to die in your own confused misery.
Now you are searching for someone or something to heal your pain, to restore your trust, and rebuild the walls in which you once felt so comfortable and safe.
The trouble is that you must be the foreman of your own reconstruction project. You must come to grips with your own injured feelings.
Yes, seeking God and seeking truth are honorable things. I am certain that God finds your searching refreshing. However, I find it hard to conceive that your searching will produce the results you seem to want to badly...looking like a Christian because you are a Christian.
Well, love is the foundation upon which everything godly is based. God, because of his love, sent his son to die for us. The Christ died on the cross because of his intense love for us. The Holy Spirit continues his mission of comfort because of his great love. God said that our love for one another will "mark" us as his people, and that we are to "love" and "prefer" one another. Whether we are worshipping God in a "big building" or in a cave, love must be the basis for our devotion.
Mankind cannot love God without loving his people.
Questions. Do you love God? Do you honestly love and prefer his people? Or has the pain inflicted upon your spirit by mortal man quenched the love in your heart? While it is possible to love God's people and not love God, is it possible to love God and not love his people? Is it possible to love God and love his people and not forgive them for the pain they have caused? Is it possible the incongruence you are feeling is inside your own bruised heart?
It is true that god's called out people are imperfect; every human on earth is flawed. But pointing out the failures of others will not bring the healing you need. Loving them will.
Love is the miracle potion, the cure-all of spirituality. Your desire the see "the church" become what God intended is admirable. Your courage to say the things you have is commendable. Your evolution of thought is worthy of consideration. However, your pain is so intense the glare may be blinding those you wish to change the most.
Love. Forgive. For in loving and forgiving you will find healing. Once healed, focus your journey down that narrow way that leads to eternal life and take as many as you can with you.
There is honor in searching, but eternal life is found in loving deeply and forgiving completely. Which is most important to you? Honor or Eternal life? I think we both know the answer to that one.
By the way, your blog is the first one I have ever read. You are both an intelligent and prolific writer. You keep on writing, and I will continue to read your excellent thoughts.
Thanks for the response, Anonymous. I appreciate constructive criticism and I wish I could be subject to it much more often.
I understand that my words can be poignant and therefore seem void of love. I do hope that each reader knows that I speak out of love when I post.
Please, and this is to anyone reading, please feel free to comment and give me feedback.
Joey, What a profound statement you made when you said, "I came to a conclusion last night, however, which I have not entertained before. If we want to meet like that (in big buildings), then as Christians, we can. But the real "forsaking" comes when we don't continue it with each other daily and when we don't seek Him in such a fashion that causes our lives to react."
I preached a semon recently (well not so recently, a few months back) that said that in order to save the church, we may have toburn the church buildings. Now before you legalists panic, I don't really mean that in a literal sense. I meant that in order for us to save those who are unsaved, which is supposed to be our mission, we need to get out of our buildings and begin to daily be the church family we calim to be. That means, "as I am going" I need to be Jesus to others.
What we have created in the form of "church" is nowhere to be seen in the scriptures, except by the Pharisees that Jesus Himself condemned.
Think about it!!
Thanks for pouring out your heart Joey!!
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