Everything that exists must have its polar opposite. So, if all we know comes from what we've seen, what might we find if we studied what we have not seen?
How can you study what you have not seen? Simply. Think.
The archives of our lives are built by units upon units of photographs. In order to see again what you once saw, the image had to become everything it was not. A negative. Go look at yours and try to see if there are things you hadn't seen. You will.
To recreate what was true in order to learn from it, everything must invert in order to see what would be if the counter were true. There's more than meets the eye. You may find out things you didn't know, you may see what's being avoided, you may see what you wish were true but isn't. In any case, it's all invisible until you invert.
Negatives -- every thing its opposite.
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