In this I take pleasure: that I have been spared long enough to see the value of people. They breathe. They bleed. They're needy. I am, in every way, just like everyone I meet every day. I breathe, bleed, and need, and I always will.
In Genesis, God said that he made both man and woman in His image which means that He is inherently infused into the inner working of each individual human from the beginning of time. We, as followers of God, have found water. Truthfully, the water found us. It is our duty to inform our fellow humans, who all bear the image of God, where to find it so they too may drink. It is a simple task and it goes no further. The thirsty need no instruction on how to drink.
In the coming days I will continue to post pictures and lessons Karen and I have learned from our recent trip to Tallinn, Estonia. The picture here is of the water in the Bay of Finland, which is fed by the Baltic Sea.
It has been indescribable.
God is bigger than we thought.

1 comment:
I'm glad your journey to Estonia was so enlightenting and life changing. Today is the first day I have seen your new blog and how appropriate that I see and read it on this particular day and about this particular subject. It is on this particular day (7/20) that I recall a journey that I began 27 years ago that has been more enlightening and life changing than I can describe with words. Before my journey began my life, too, was filled with "I wants" and they were all purely for me. However, at around 4 p.m. Friday, July 20, 1979, the moment I began my journey, which by the way is still ongoing, my "I wants" were (and still are) for the (pardon the old cliche') beautiful bouncing baby boy to whom I had just given birth. My priorities, my thoughts, my prayers, and my wants were forever changed in a split second: the second I held you in my arms and looked at you for the first time. My whole world changed in that split second. Nothing had prepared me for that second; not even the previous nine months and five days of anticipaton leading up to that one split second. Happy Birthday to you my son, the one who began this incredible and amazing journey for me and is one of the two who so graciously allow me to continue on it. As hard as it is to believe, you will have other life changing journys (no, I'm not hinting around at anything); they may or may not be on distant shores; they may take place in your own back yard, the grocery store, and perhaps one day in a hospital delivery room. You have experienced more in your brief 27 years than most people twice your age. I am not down playing or lessening the experience you have just had. Quite the opposite is true; the time you have spent in Estonia and what you have brought back from it is part of the foundation that will help you better take in and appreciate all the wonderful and amazing life changing journys that you have yet to experience.
Thank you for my life changing journey. Just as you haven't been the same since your journey to Estonia, I haven't been the same since that split second 27 years ago.
Happy birthday my baby.
Love, Momma
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